I went from 100 subscribers to over 100,000 entrepreneurs taking my Primary Archetype Test, and have generated over a quarter of a million dollars since starting my business, with next to NO advertising, marketing or promoting…and without being someone I’m not.

What’s my secret?

My secret is simple:

I know who I am, and who I am is at the heart of my business.

It’s all about

I didn’t always have this much clarity, though. When I left my soul-sucking job in 2012, I had NO idea how I was going to make money. I had no plan. No strategy. No Plan A, let alone Plan B.


I spent a lot of time (and money) following other people’s formulas for success, without even questioning what ‘success’ meant to me. As a result, I was exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed…and far from in control of my finances. I didn’t know whether our mortgage would be repaid from one month to the next, or even whether I was cut out for earning a living working for myself.


In a state of scattered confusion, I didn’t try to align my business with who I REALLY was (imperfections and all), but rather: I tried to align my business with who I thought other people wanted me to be (because – you know – that was worth more).


At an all-time low over Christmas 2013, I realised my business was broken. I shouldn’t be feeling as deflated as I did (now that I was ‘living the dream!’) Around that time, I also realised something that not many experts seemed to be confirming:

The best way to grow a business is by using

By thinking strategically, calmly, and logically.

By dissecting what you need, what you have to offer, who might need it, and how you’ll bridge the gaps between those things.

Most of all, you grow a business by becoming intensely aware of who you are, and how you feel.

If it feels good? Do more of it.

If it feels questionable? Avoid it, and find an alternative way.

The Aligned Business Starter Kit is a very simple – yet super powerful – five-day brand and business acceleration experience.

I created it to help you bring out the best of you and infuse it into a business strategy that works…for you.


I don’t believe you need telling what to do.


I believe you need to figure out the options, and make the best decision for you.


I don’t believe you need to learn anything new.


I believe you just need to remember that business is actually very simple, and success (whatever that looks like for you) is often just a few small baby steps away.


I don’t believe you need big launches, complicated marketing plans or an ICA dossier.


I believe you just need to get clear (and confident) about what you really need, what you have to offer, who you’re naturally able to serve…and a simple plan for bridging that gap.


(Hint: it doesn’t have to include social media, launching a YouTube channel, or doing sales pitches webinars – unless they’re strategies you’re so excited about implementing, you literally can’t sleep at night).

At the heart of the Aligned Business Starter Kit is the interactive Workbooks, containing my most valuable, impactful strategies and guidance for filling your soul AND your bank balance


I’ve distilled all of the most important lessons I’ve learned over the last seven years into these Workbooks – sharing EXACTLY what has moved me forward, and what has kept me stuck.


You’ll explore:


CLARITY: Exactly how much money your business needs to make


CUSTOMERS: Forget an ICA – you’ll discover exactly who you’re most naturally able to serve, based on your Primary Archetype


CONTRIBUTION: You’ll get clear on what you can offer in exchange for money, that will help you achieve your financial goals


CONNECTION: You’ll go right back to marketing basics, and create a strategy for connecting with your customers that works for YOU


The Workbooks encourage you to think big, simplify to amplify, and focus on what REALLY matters.

Accompanying each Workbook is a powerful mini-meditation designed to help you dive even deeper into the alignment process.

Being in alignment is very different to staying in alignment.

To help you do that, I’ve created a one-page Aligned Business Blueprint that will act as a summary of the things that really matter moving forward.

My aim for this Kit is simple:

To help you ground yourself in who you really are, and align your business and brand with your message, your personality, and your strengths.

And…I have a secret weapon up my sleeve: your Primary Archetype.

 After helping hundreds of entrepreneurs make more money, more effortlessly by aligning their businesses with who they really are – I’ve developed this Kit to help you use your Primary Archetype to spot opportunities AND areas of your business that are holding you back.

“Cerries brings a fresh eye and rare style to the age-old business of branding. She uses rich, interactive material to give you a treasure map leading to your archetypes, and provides you with plenty of visual content, keywords, and inspiration to help you identify and sustain your unique branding strategy. Plus her quiz is super fun!”

~ Erika Lyremark | Creator of MARK’D & Best Selling Author of ‘Think Like A Stripper’

  • Absolutely! In fact…it’s PERFECT for you.

    As the Aligned Business Starter Kit goes right back to basics, you’ll start to get clarity on the direction you might like to take your business in. So YES – it’s definitely for you.

  • I have 100% confidence that the Aligned Business Starter Kit will be a game-changer for you. (That was my intention when I created it – to be game-changing).

    If you’re not happy? I’ll give you a full refund (within 14 days of purchase). No questions asked. 

  • Yes, you do.

    The entire Kit is available for you to work through at your own pace.

  • The Kit is a five-day online mini-course, but you can complete it in as little or as much time as you like.

    You have instant access to ALL of the material, so take your time…or devour it. Totally your call.

Aligned Business Starter Kit
One time