Go deeper.

The purpose of your life experience is to take a journey to the depths of who you really are, discover the gifts and potential that you alone carry within you, and bring those gifts back to the world where they can be of service to society.

Archetypes help guide us on that journey of self-awareness.

So far, you know your Primary Archetype (and if you don’t, you can find out for free here). Understanding your Primary Archetype can be life-changing. It is the first step towards becoming aware of your true ‘self’, and how you naturally move through the world.

The next step is identifying your Secondary Archetype, and layering it on top of your Primary Archetype to create what I call your Signature Blend.

Take the test to discover your Secondary Archetype, and receive a 39-page guide dedicated to your specific blend of archetypes.

Inside the guide, you’ll find:

~ A re-cap on archetypes, and what they actually are

~ Why two archetypes pave the way for deeper self-awareness

~ A Blend Summary, detailing your strengths, desires and fears for each archetype

~ A description of your specific Blend, and how your two archetypes interact

~ A copy of the guide for both archetypes, all within one convenient PDF